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We Love What We Do

At Seibold Group, our team’s passion for what we do drives our success. We work closely with our clients, ensuring that each commercial real estate transaction is handled with the utmost care and expertise. From Michele’s leadership and Brandy’s innovative solutions to Diane’s attention to detail and creative energy, each member of our team plays an essential role in delivering exceptional service.

We take pride in building lasting relationships with our clients and supporting them through the intricacies of commercial real estate. Whether you’re buying, selling, or navigating complex escrow processes, our team is here to provide the support and expertise you need.

Meet the Seibold Group Team: Our Experts Who Make a Difference

At Seibold Group, we are proud of the talented professionals who make our company thrive. Our team is dedicated to ensuring the success of every commercial real estate transaction we handle. Each member of our team brings unique skills, experience, and passion to their work, and together, we deliver exceptional service to our clients.

Michele D. Seibold, ESQ – Senior Vice President | Senior Commercial Escrow Officer | Founder of the Seibold Group

Michele Seibold has built a reputation in the commercial escrow world for her extensive knowledge, professionalism, and commitment to her clients. As Senior Vice President and Senior Commercial Escrow Officer, Michele has spent years helping clients navigate the complexities of commercial real estate transactions with ease and confidence.

Michele’s expertise lies in ensuring smooth, seamless closings and managing intricate deals. She thrives on building strong, lasting relationships with clients, offering personalized guidance through each step of the escrow process. Michele’s passion for her work is evident in everything she does—from her leadership at Seibold Group to her involvement in various industry organizations.

Meet Michele Seibold


Brandy Lake – Vice President | National Commercial Escrow Officer

Brandy Lake is a dynamic force in the world of commercial escrow. As Vice President and National Commercial Escrow Officer, Brandy oversees some of Seibold Group’s most complex and high-stakes transactions. She brings an impressive depth of knowledge, a solutions-oriented approach, and a deep commitment to her clients.

Brandy is passionate about the details—whether it’s ensuring that every document is meticulously reviewed or providing clients with clear, actionable insights to make informed decisions. She thrives on finding creative solutions to the challenges that can arise in complex real estate deals.

Meet Brandy Lake


Diane Overton – Senior Commercial Escrow Assistant

Diane Overton brings a unique blend of expertise, creativity, and a positive attitude to her role as Senior Commercial Escrow Assistant. Diane’s approach to escrow is grounded in her attention to detail, a deep understanding of the commercial real estate industry, and an unwavering commitment to client satisfaction.

Throughout her career, Diane has earned a reputation for providing top-notch customer service and handling every transaction with a level of care and precision that ensures a smooth process for both clients and colleagues. Whether she’s managing a complex deal or providing clients with timely updates, Diane’s focus is always on delivering the best possible experience.

Meet Diane Overton

Feel free to reach out to any member of the Seibold Group team with questions or for expert guidance on your next commercial real estate transaction. We’re here to help >> Seibold Group Team