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2023 Reflection – Brandy Lake

Approaching the New Year always allows the opportunity to reflect on the past year; what did we do great? What could we work on? What filled our soul with sunshine? 2023 was a bit rough at times but we made it! I am grateful for our health, the traveling, and time my family was able to spend together and with our extended family.

Our oldest son Maguire is settling into adult life in Seattle, he adores his new job and city. Our middle, Mason will finish school here shortly and will have his first big boy job by the time this letter is sent. He and his fiancé are still thriving in Reno for now; we are excited for what their future holds. Our little lady at home, Lily, turns 16 just after Christmas. Our last driver! Life is currently bittersweet as it moves at (what feels to be) lightning speed, but we couldn’t be prouder of each of our beautiful children!

I look forward to developing and fostering strong relationships this year, I truly love what I do and who I work with. I am grateful for my team, company, and most of all our clients. CHEERS from my family to yours, may you have a joyous holiday season and new year full of love, peace, and prosperity!


Happy Holidays and Merry almost 2024!

Brandy Lake
VP | National Commercial Escrow Officer