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A Streamlined Commercial Escrow Approach

At the Seibold Group, we have one goal in mind: instilling confidence in your closing.

Complex Transactions, Done Right

Let our team of experts streamline the escrow process and get your closing to the finish line. At the Seibold Group, we bring a straightforward, efficient, and effective approach to our commercial escrow transactions.

We do not build walls

We creatively find every possible way to make your closing work while using the appropriate channels and processes for complex transactions.

We help facilitate successful closings

We are committed to proactive communication, confidentiality, flexibility, and customer service. When you work with us, you are backed by decades of experience, leadership in the field, and attention to detail.

Our foundation is our strength

Our Las Vegas-based practice brings together careers in law, investment, operations, brokerage and sales, allowing us to guide your transaction with the knowledge and expertise it deserves.

Decades of Collective Commercial Real Estate Experience

With over $10 Billion of closed commercial real estate transactions under our belts, we understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to closing transactions. No matter which services are required for your closing, we have the expertise to see it through every step of the way and ensure you are comfortable with the process. Whether you are a developer, attorney, lender, broker, or principal, we speak your language.

Dallas skyline at dusk

Our National Presence Simplifies Your Transaction Processes

Our team is based out of Las Vegas with an extensive national presence that allows us to close your transactions on a national scale, simplifying your processes. Our nationwide platform means you are taken care of no matter what state you choose to do business in. Whether your deal is complex or straightforward; large or small; local or national, you have a partner with the Seibold Group.


Clouds on title (i.e., invalid claims left on a title from a previous transaction) can stall your commercial real estate deal worse than rush hour on the Strip. For example, I commonly see cases where the previous owner of a property has passed away, but their name hasn’t been removed from the title, creating a roadblock for a sale. Read more >

Whether you are looking to purchase commercial properties in many different states, or closing a simple deal with a seller across state lines, multi-state escrow closings can quickly become a frustrating. I find that even seasoned real estate investors face common challenges when closing commercial escrow in multiple states. Here are a few to watch out for. Read more >

Seibold Group

6385 S Rainbow Blvd., Ste 130
Las Vegas, NV 89118


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

8363 W Sunset Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89113, USA

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